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Throwback Tortie Thursday—Holiday Edition

Throwback tortie Thursday from December 2003

Since this is our first holiday season without Binga, I thought I’d share a Throwback Tortie Thursday post from a long time ago. 2003, to be exact. That was even before my mother was born! At three years old, Binga was in her prime of life, and tortitude. In this photo, she is posing with one of Sparkle’s favorite toys. I don’t think she did this willingly — she was just too tired to move.

tortoiseshell cat unhappy about wearing reindeer antlers

She definitely was not happy about posing in these reindeer antlers, however.

tortoiseshell cat beating up reindeer antlers

In fact, she took out her aggressions on them. Sadly for her, she did not destroy them and they came back to haunt her (and me) many, many years later.

mad tortoiseshell cat wearing santa hat

She was not any happier about wearing the Santa hat. Maybe even less happy.

tortoiseshell cat bunny kicking Santa hat

The Santa hat met the same fate as the reindeer antlers. And yes, it is still here. They made these things much sturdier back in the olden days.

tortoiseshell cat after helping open Christmas presents

She did help open the Christmas presents. Like anybody could have stopped her.

tortoiseshell cat on new cat tree wrapped in festive cord

That was the year my human got Sparkle, Binga and Boodie a brand new cat tree. It was still here when I came to live with my human, only it was really old and pretty beat up by then.

tortoiseshell cat thinks she is ruler of the cat tree

The only problem was Binga thought it was for her only, and wouldn’t let the other cats near it! It took some convincing (and encouraging Sparkle to scratch it, hence marking it with her scent) to get her to share.

This was such a long time ago, but my human does not miss that house (she regretted it the day escrow closed), or that time in her life. But she does miss Binga.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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