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Mews and Nips: Between the Years


The week between the years has always been my favorite week of the year. The pace of life seems to slow down just a little bit, most people still retain some of the magic of Christmas, and it’s a perfect time for reflection.

This year, I’m having a hard time finding the kind of peace I usually experience this time of the year as I’m struggling to cope with losing Ruby. For that reason, today’s Mews and Nips edition is an abbreviated version.

I encourage you to take some time for reflection before the year is over. As cats are so good at reminding us, not just during this week, but every day of the year, it’s not all about doing. Sometimes, it’s enough to just be.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, I announced my picks for the 10 best products of the year, on Tuesday, I shared a feline version of the famous poem The Night Before Christmas, on Wednesday, we celebrated Christmas, on Thursday, I revealed my choice for product of the year, and on Friday, I shared my list of the five best cat books of the year.

Have a great weekend!

The post Mews and Nips: Between the Years appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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