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Portland Cat Show Scenes

somali ambassador cat at Portland cat show

I had a very busy couple of days at the Portland cat show! The good thing about this show is that it is in the same place as the hotel. My human and I just needed to walk from the hotel entrance across the drop off area to the show hall. That made setting up my Ambassador Cat things really easy.

somali ambassador cat ready to greet people

I did a lot of meeting and greeting! Lots of people said they had never petted a Somali cat before and told me how soft my fur was! And of course I did lots of tricks for them, including ringing my bell and my High Fives. My favorite parts were when I got to do High Fives and paw shakes with the children who stopped by, and also some special needs adults.

somali cat wearing a tiara and pearl and rhinestone heart necklace

I wore my favorite necklace a lot, and my tiara pretty frequently. I’m very poised when I wear my tiara at cat shows. For some reason, I have a harder time keeping it on for home photo shoots.

somali cat at portland cat show wearing sweater dress

I brought lots of cold weather outfits. It wasn’t freezing like Meet the Breeds was in February, but it was still pretty chilly! I was glad to have my sweater dress.

somali cat in her pink sweater and knit hat

And of course I wore my cute pink knit ensemble you’ve seen the past couple of days. I couldn’t just leave it in the hotel room!

somali cat showing off fluffy tail

Since I’m always facing people, sometimes they miss seeing my fluffy tail. I did hang it out of my enclosure at one point so it could be seen!

somali cat desperately wanting a taste of cake

There were a couple of birthdays (including the famous show photographer, Chanan), and the cat club putting on the show supplied these amazing birthday cakes! This is the smallest piece my human could find. I was bummed I didn’t get to taste it.

somali cat lying awkwardly in enclosure

It was an exhausting couple of days! My human spent a lot of time talking to people about Somali cats, and answering questions about flying with cats and teaching tricks. But her favorite moment was after the cat show when she was taking me back to the hotel room. We took the elevator up with some non-cat people, and they asked, “What’s a cat show?” My human said, it was kind of like a dog show. “Oh, like a competition?” they asked. “Yes,” my human replied, “only they also have a household pet category, so it’s not all just pedigreed cats. Plus there are cat adoptions.” She thinks it’s important for people to know that these shows benefit all cats, not just us so-called fancy kitties.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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