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Pretty – and Pretty Funny Photos

Summer shares some pretty - and some pretty funny photos.

Some of the leftover photos from this week were exceptionally pretty… like the one above. I was just hanging out on the dining room table, the light was perfect, and my human happened to have her camera handy.

annoyed looking somali cat on stairs

And some of them are just pretty silly! In the middle of my awesome stair shoot the other day, something caught my attention, and not in a good way!

somali cat in living room in late afternoon

The late afternoon and early evening light that comes into the living room can be pretty dramatic. My human tried (with mixed results) to capture that.

somali cat getting too close to camera

And in spite of my human’s insistence that we were “losing the light,” I had to get up in her face and ask for my treats.

somali cat making a funny face at the pet store

There are lots of awesome smelling things on the pet store counter. That’s the only explanation I have for my nosy looking face!

rear end of somali cat on bridge

And… once again we’ve reached the end of the blog post! I hope you enjoyed these photos! Let me know which ones are your favorites!

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