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Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 2020

Today is the 6th annual Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day…a day created by our friend Deb Barnes from The Chronicles of Zee and Zoey in memory of her special cat, Mr. Jazz.

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Logo

It’s a day where we remember and pay tribute to those furry loved ones that are no longer with us…who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Of course, these special ones are in our thoughts every day…but Remembrance Day is the day we tell the world about how much they meant to us.

Today let me tell you about those cats I was lucky enough to love and share my life with…but sadly are no longer here with me.

Bogart, gray and white long-haired cat

This is Bogart…yes, named after the actor whose movies l love. I adopted him as a 6 week old kitten after I graduated from college and was living on my own. That was back in 1981. Bogart was my constant companion…maybe a little cranky at times…but that’s what made him so lovable. He lived a long life, over 20 years, but sadly left me in December 2001. I still miss him.

Scooter, gray and white short-haired cat

When Bogart was 9 years old, I decided to adopt another cat. I found Scooter at the Michigan Humane Society, a cute little 6 week old kitten that was desperately trying to get out of the cage he was in. Scooter Cat, as I affectionately called him, was a great cat. I really think he thought I was his mother. Bogart and Scooter never became good friends, but they learned to tolerate each other.

In 2002, when Scooter was around 13 years old, we moved to the Island. And the idea of “The Island Cats” was born. Unfortunately, Scooter passed away in January 2006 just shy of his 17th birthday…before I started this blog. But Scooter will always be the Original Island Cat.

Wally, orange tabby

And then there was my precious orange boy, Wally. Like both Bogart and Scooter, I adopted him as a 6 week old kitten. Given that Scooter was 14 at the time, I was hesitant about bringing another cat into the household. But when I saw that little orange ball of fluff, I couldn’t say no. And while outwardly it may have appeared that Scooter didn’t like Wally, I know deep down he did. It wasn’t unusual to find the two of them curled up together.

Scooter and Wally curled up together

Wally was the orange cat I always wanted. Friendly, funny, loving. A real talker. And the most handsomest orange cat in the world, in my opinion. There will never be another like him. I miss him every single day.


Do animals go to heaven?
I do believe that we and our animals will meet again.
If we do not,
and where we go is supposed to be heaven,
it will not be heaven to me
and it will not be where I wish to go.
~Cleveland Amory


from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! https://ift.tt/3b3AAvy

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