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A Quick Shopping Trip

Summer and her human have a quick shopping trip to the local pet store.

I’ve been stuck inside at home with all this hot weather. But finally it cooled down enough for my human to take me on a short trip to our local pet shop, the one that’s only a few blocks from the house. They usually only let one customer in the store at a time because of the pandemic, but with the heat, the store owner let me and my human come in while the other person was at the cash register.

somali cat in pet store on leash

I couldn’t wait to check everything out!

somali cat in toy section of store

Of course one of my first stops was the cat toy section.

somali cat rubbing on bag of cat litter

I also stopped by the cat litter to see if there was anything new. (We didn’t need any this trip.)

somali cat being petted by store customer

I even got petted by the customer who was in the store before us! She said that her cat wouldn’t walk on a leash, and he just laid down. My human said, “Stand a few feet away and wave some chicken in his direction! He’ll get up and walk over fast.” I have to say, that did work well with me!

somali cat at pet store checkout counter

Even though the check out counter had a barrier up, I still had room to check out some of the goods while my human was paying for the cat food we got.

somali cat looking at dental health treats

Sometimes my human buys something new when we are shopping. This time she got some dental treats. They were new to the store too.

somali cat tasting dental treat

She even let me try one in the car… and I spit it out. Don’t worry, it turned out Boodie liked them. She even asked for seconds.

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