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I’m a Star in Someone Else’s Movie!

Summer stars in someone else's movie - this time, it's an instructional video from Sleepypod

Remember that video shoot I did for Sleepypod? You can see the behind the scenes look here. They finally have the new Martingale harness out, and posted the video to go along with it a few weeks ago.

somali cat posing during sleepypod video shoot

I did pretty well! In fact, about 55 seconds in, you can see me making happy paws while the human talent was “measuring” me for the harness.

somali cat walking on leash with sleepypod martingale harness

And of course I was able to walk on the leash, no problem. You can’t see her, but my human was there every step of the way, keeping an eye on me.

Here’s the video. I’m in most of the 3 minutes. You can also see me modeling on the Sleepypod website.

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