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Star – Floppycat of the Week

Star - Floppycat of the Week Blitzen and Star 31Mar2011 BEST FRIENDS

Hello, my name is Star. I’m a beautiful gray mackerel tabby with lots of white. I even have white ankle socks on my front paws, and white knee socks on my hind paws. I’m so handsome! I was living in a garage with some other kitties in a place called Hartford, Connecticut. But I had an eye injury, and a kind lady rescued me and brought me to Animal Friends of CT.

Star - Floppycat of the Week 2012-04-13 17.59.04 Best Buddies

I received the best of care there, and even visited a nice veterinary eye specialist. Before long I was healed, feeling great, and living in a foster home with other kitties. But my Very Favorite Human was out there, and she was feeling sad. She had just lost her beloved German Shepherd Dog Eisen.

Star - Floppycat of the Week 2012-03-10 21.48.46 Star After Long Day

So I waited for her to come to the foster home for me. In July, 2010, I went home! I knew this would happen! It was a perfect home, too, with my loving, experienced, and caring VFH (notice my cool 21st Century terminology. I’m a cool cat.) We traveled to Vermont for a fun weekend. I was so good in the car, and everyone wanted to see me.

Back home in Connecticut, I was so happy. I loved getting brushed, sitting in my VFH’s lap to have my nails trimmed, and flopping on the floor for tummy rubs. I looked out of my big picture windows at the lake, the woods, squirrels and birds. Best of all, I was certain I was making my Very Favorite Human happy again.

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Fast-forward five months. My beloved VFH seemed restless. She lovingly told me that she needed to have a dog at home with us. Now I had been around dogs. Sometimes they came to visit. No big deal for me. I purred my approval. Here my epic story repeats itself.

On December 16. a beautiful young Australian Cattle Dog mix girl was waiting in a nice foster home to join our family. On that day, Blitzen – our Christmas girl! – came home. Of course there was an adjustment period for us. After all, I had been the king of the castle around here for five months. But Blitzen is for-real fabulous, and we became best friends.

Star - Floppycat of the Week Tell You a Secret 11April2011

We wrestle, chase each other around, gaze out the windows, sleep on all the beds together (pet and human), eat the best food – and treats! If you visit, please be careful to step around the toys on the floor. We’re not too good at picking those up. Blitzen and I are so photogenic that we are featured in a line of greeting cards our beloved human makes on her computer.

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This enables us to reach out and spread comfort and joy to everyone. But, above all else, we take excellent care of our VFH. Every single day, without fail, we bring our precious human many smiles. The bond between the three of us has never ceased being new. We live cherished lives in our loving and safe home. Our Very Favorite Human likes to say that we literally want for nothing. She is right, of course. And, from Star and Blitzen, this is our wish. For you.

Star - Floppycat of the Week SCHMOOZING 2019

This last paragraph is written by a human hand. On September 24, 2019, over Andover Lake there occurred a perfect sunset. On a perfect life. We said goodbye to our beloved cat Star. He was approximately 15 years old. With all the pets I’ve had over the years, I’ve never seen a connection like the one between Star and Blitzen. He’s left a void, and we miss him. But his legacy lives on in the memories of his endearing antics, and in the cards that go out to celebrate a friend’s birthday or to comfort a sad or ill person. All the best, from Blitzen, Mary – and STAR.

Star - Floppycat of the Week A STAR

Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Don’t have a Ragdoll, but want to share your kitty? We’d love to feature them as Floppycat of the Week. Here are the guidelines for the Floppycat of the Week.

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The post Star – Floppycat of the Week appeared first on Floppycats.

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