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Kitten Rescued from Outdoor Life, Discovers a Warm Lap and Shares it with Her Brother

A tortie kitty discovered a warm lap to nuzzle in and couldn't stop cuddling.

Mini Cat Town

Earlier this year, a litter of four kittens were brought to the San Jose animal shelter for a chance at a better life.

Laura Malone, director of Mini Cat Town, came across the kittens at the shelter, who were in need of a foster home. Mini Cat Town took them into their care and Laura stepped up to be their foster mom.

A tiny tortie named Tanooki was the bravest of the four. She snuggled up to her brother, Bowser, and stared right into Laura's eyes.

Mini Cat Town

Soon after they arrived, the kittens went on an expedition in the foster room, checking out every nook and cranny.

The little tortie would come over to Laura, sit in front of her and just stare. She was the first to greet her and inspect her lap.

Mini Cat Town

After a bit of inspection, she crawled onto her lap and decided it would be her new bed.

The sweet tortie curled up comfortably and started to purr.

Mini Cat Town

While other kittens were playing and running around, little Tanooki was nestling on a lap, getting all the pets and attention from her foster family.

Whenever Laura sat down on the floor, the tortie girl came running and hopped right on. But she was not the only lap cat in the house.

Mini Cat Town

Her brother Bowser followed her everywhere around the house. He didn't want to be left out and quickly joined the cuddle-fest.

"Bowser and Tanooki finally figured out that they could share my lap," Laura said. "They stared right at me and purred."

Mini Cat Town

In just a few weeks, Bowser turned into a cuddly purr machine and a love-bug.

"It's really cool to watch these kittens evolve and grow into their personalities."

These former feral kittens have really blossomed since they were rescued from life on the streets.

When they are not playing, they are napping on a lap together.

Mini Cat Town

Two weeks ago, the brother and sister duo found their forever home, together! It was a dream come true.

"I'm overjoyed that they will get to stay together. They'll bring so much happiness to their new parents," Laura said.

Mini Cat Town

Tanooki and Bowser (now renamed Tank) settled into their new abode and claimed it as their own.


They now share a large bed with their parents and have become their new morning alarm clocks.

They start their day with meows and purrs and fill their home with endless cuddles.


Share this story with your friends. Follow Tanooki and Tank on Instagram. Follow Laura's foster kitties on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Mini Cat Town on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Cat Who Was Rejected for Being a Lap Cat, Finds Family that Loves Him and Can't Stop Cuddling

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