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Kitten Cuddles Rescuer and Won't Let Go After She Was Found Alone on Farm

A little kitten cuddled up to her foster mom and wouldn't let go after she was found on a farm.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

Ashley Morrison, an animal rescuer based in Seattle, was contacted about a kitten who was found on a farm in Eastern Washington.

A worker heard the kitten's cries and alerted others to help in the rescue. "She had been living under a concrete tunnel system where workers couldn't reach her," Ashley told Love Meow.

With a lot of patience, the little farm kitty eventually came out of the tunnel. They were able to safely capture her and bring her in to get help.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

The kitten, named Cindy Lou Who, was immediately given medical attention. Sam, a worker at the farm, cleaned her up and cared for her until she got better. The little one was then transported to her foster home with Ashley.

They continued to look for the cat mom and other kittens but to no avail. "Sadly, she is believed to have been the last surviver of her family when found."

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

The little singleton quickly settled in her new foster home and was so happy to be safe and loved.

"She is sassy and loves to play. She is an absolute love-bug," Ashley said.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

After exploring around her new abode, she plopped down on her foster mom's lap and went right to sleep.

The kitten is eager to be loved and cuddled. She follows Ashley everywhere around the house so she won't be alone.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

Whenever Ashley lies down on the couch, the kitten crawls up onto her and joins in for a slumber.

To make sure Cindy always has a buddy, Ashley got some help from a trusted friend.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

Jack, a resident cat, stepped in to offer a helping paw. He adores every foster kitten that Ashley brings home.

Cindy the needy kitty was excited to see another feline friend. Jack took her under his wing and let her cuddle up to him.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

He shows her the ropes around the house, and is a wonderful mentor, very caring and nurturing.

"He has let Cindy hang out near him which is so important because he can teach her how to cat when I can't," Ashley said.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

Watch Cindy in this cute video:

Kitten found on a farm - foster journey www.youtube.com

After seeing how Jack used the stairs a few times, Cindy mustered up the courage to try to take on the big steps. She quickly figured them out like a champ.

The kitten watched her foster brother attentively as he showed her how to fish out snacks from a treat-puzzle.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

"She is a very active and happy little girl. She loves to play, cuddle, roll around and attack toys," Ashley told Love Meow.

After a long day of learning how to cat, Cindy fell asleep right next to Jack.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

The kitten has really blossomed since she was rescued. Nothing makes her happier than having someone to cuddle with.

Ashley often wakes up to the sweet kitten curled up on her shoulder or lap, purring away.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

The former farm kitten is loving her new VIP life as an indoor cat.

She still has a lot of growing to do and things to learn, but is well on her way to a great future filled with love and cuddles.

Ashley Morrison @youngestoldcatlady

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Cindy and Ashley's foster kitties on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kitten Insists on Being Cuddled After He Was Rescued from Rough Life on Streets

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