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Binga’s Post Dental Update

tortoiseshell cat post dental

I think everybody wants to know how Binga is doing! Well, she came through the dental with no problems and was awake and up not long after it was done. My human picked up her up early that evening and brought her home. She was still wearing the bandage on her right paw. As you can tell, she wanted it off right away. She also was demanding food.

bandage on tortoiseshell cat leg

She got neither. The vet said she had to keep the bandage on for a couple of hours. Binga thought this did not apply to her. Even though it said so right on her leg. And she couldn’t be fed right away either. She made her complaints known.

tortoiseshell cat waiting for breakfast

When my human finally did get the bandage off she was grouchy about it. And she figured that since she missed breakfast, she should get three dinners to make up for it. Unfortunately, the vet said to only give her half dinner, so that’s what she got. Eventually she got the other half because she wouldn’t leave my human alone about it.

tortoiseshell cat relaxing with human.

By the next day she was back to normal, demanding food and attention.

tortoiseshell cat plotting

And plotting. You’d never guess she had just had dental surgery.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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