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April's Fool

WAFFLES:  I'm this month's calendar cat, Boss! 

KATIE:  No kidding, Waffles. And how appropriate considering today is April Fools Day. Or in your case, April's Fool Day. 

WAFFLES:  You had February on account of it was Valentines Day and all. Even though I could have totally rocked my valentines tie for the ladies. 

KATIE:  Well you can't hog every month, Waffles. 

WAFFLES:  But I have SO many great pictures of me, Boss. 

WAFFLES:   Maybe next year I should have my OWN calendar.

KATIE:  Waffles, you're not the only calendar cat that can strike a pose, you know.

Happy April Fools Day!
Be sure to watch out for all the tricksters today. ...and all the fools too!

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