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Remembering Ruby: That Time When Ruby Fell Off the Refrigerator


Not a day has gone by since Ruby passed away that I haven’t been flooded with memories. Some make me cry, some make me smile, and every single one is precious. I’ll periodically share some of these memories so you can take a trip down memory lane with me. Today’s story goes back to July 2011, just three months after Ruby joined our family.

Ruby liked to hang out on top of the refrigerator. This was before I put small a cat tree in the kitchen, but even after the addition of the cat tree, she still often preferred the higher perch of the refrigerator. Of course, Ruby being Ruby, she didn’t just quietly sit and watch from her elevated view point. She rolled around, stretched, and – well,  you’ll have to read the full story to find out what happened.

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The post Remembering Ruby: That Time When Ruby Fell Off the Refrigerator appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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