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Progress on My Concrete Table?

Summer reports on the progress, if any, on her concrete table.

I know I haven’t reported on my concrete table for a while. So I thought you’d like an update.

somali cat on leash on broken table

It’s still broken. My human found a place that had concrete tables like this one not far from here, and they have a base, among other things on order. They, and my human, have been waiting since around Memorial Day for it to arrive.

somali cat doesn't care that table is broken

I don’t really care. Every time we go out front, I want to jump on it and hang out, like I always did when it wasn’t broken.

somali cat insists on staying on top of broken table

For some reason, my human wishes I wouldn’t do that. But I don’t see what the problem is. I mean, that top is too heavy for anyone to move, except for maybe two strong guys. Nothing is going to happen if a cat lies on it.

somali cat on concrete bench

So the story is, it isn’t fixed yet, but it will be at some point. Other than the neighbors, you’ll be the first to know!

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