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Outtake Madness

It's outtake madness here on the blog today

I have some pretty crazy outtakes from the past week, so I thought I’d share them with you today. Like this one, where I’m wondering if a thug look conflicts with making happy paws.

somali cat making weird face at cat show

Remember last Sunday, when I said my human took a bunch of bad photos of my Pet Me Cat area at the cat show? Here’s yet another one!

somali cat making crazy face at pet store

My human calls this my “I see dead people” look! In reality, it’s me being annoyed because my human is busy taking photos when I want to be otherwise occupied.

somali cat blowing a raspberry

Here I am, at the other pet store, giving my human a raspberry. I imagine no further explanation is needed.

somali cat showing sliver of tongue in photo session

And finally, here I am, showing just the slightest sliver of tongue to my human. I can be subtle when I want to.

I hope you enjoyed my outtakes this week!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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