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I Have My Doubts About These Dresses

Summer has her doubts about the dresses she is modeling today.

I’m not so sure about the dresses at the pet stores anymore. It seems like they are being designed for little, squat dogs, like pugs and Boston Terriers. Not anything canine or feline that is sleek and graceful. My human came home with the dress with the purple skirt and my breeder sent me the fluffy gray dress. I’m really not sure either of them will fit me.

somali cat wearing too-short Halloween dress

I was definitely right about the black and purple dress. It’s way short on me! I think it makes my butt look big. Which is ironic, considering that it was probably designed for dogs that do have big butts.

somali cat in Halloween dress, from behind

My human tried to get a view from the rear, so you could see the design on the back. It’s supposed to be some sort of Halloween themed dress. But let’s face it, all you can see from this angle is how short it is on me.

somali cat wearing gray dress with flouncy, sequined dress

The other dress, the one my breeder gave me, was longer, and I liked the skirt part.

somali cat in dress, photographed from above

My human tried taking some photos from above, and while that covered some flaws, I still don’t think it’s a flattering angle.

somali cat modeling a less than impressive dress

I’m just not sure about this dress, even though I was very good about modeling it. The gray t-shirt material of the top doesn’t seem to go with the flouncy princess skirt. At least I didn’t have to model them outside. I’m not sure I’d want the neighbors to see me wearing these.

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