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My Fun Outtake Faces

Here is a selection of funny outtake faces from lifestyle cat expert Summer.

Some humans seem to think that cats don’t have expressive faces. But I think this post of outtakes will prove them wrong.

somali cat rubbing on stairs in backyard

Supposedly you can hear faraway movement if you put your ear to the ground. Maybe I was testing that here.

somali cat with goofy treat face

You know all about my treat faces. But I bet you’ve never seen this particular one!

somali cat with paw half raised

Here I am, impatiently waiting for a cue from my human. Sometimes I just raise my paw in anticipation of her direction.

somali cat reaching for camera lens

Lately, I’ve gotten into the habit of reaching for the camera lens. As you can see, I find it pretty interesting!

I hope you enjoyed my outtake faces! Which one do you think was the silliest? Let me know in the comments.

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