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The Top 10 Ways to Have a Better Relationship With Your Cat

Do you want to have a better relationship with your cat? Summer has ten tips that will help you a lot!

It’s obvious to anyone who has seen me and my human together that we have a great relationship. When my human brought me home, she knew she was going to train me to be a therapy cat (all my public cat functions came as a result of that). So she knew that building a trusting bond with me was crucial. And she worked really hard on it. But the truth is that anyone can have a better relationship with their cat — and it’s not that much work. If you are reading this, you probably already consider your cat a family member, so you would probably like to know a few things to make her life with you more joyful.

So here are 10 ways you and your cat can have a better relationship.

  1. Let your cat set the pace
    This is always the most important step. Your cat gravitates towards routine and safety. Anything that disrupts that will at least be viewed suspiciously, or at most, considered a threat to her survival. So when you are introducing a new routine, item, or behavior to your cat, watch carefully to see how she is reacting. Cats won’t change or accept something new to please you. They only accept things on their own terms, in their own time.
  2. Learn your cat’s own unique language
    While there are things common to every cat, each one communicates a little differently. And when I say language, I don’t mean things like meowing or purring, or even growling. Cats actually communicate quite a bit with body language, eye blinks, ear movements, and tail twitches. And what pleases one, another may loathe. Really make an effort, not only to understand your cat, but how they are trying to tell you things.
  3. Get on her level as much as possible.
    This may be easier for some of you than others. My human is fairly limber, so she spends a lot of time on the floor with me. If you are able to, you should do the same. But do keep in mind, your cat is also willing to meet you halfway. Why do you think she likes being on the kitchen counter or tabletops? It’s an effort to be on your level. If your cat is okay with being picked up, you can put her on a surface where you can be eye to eye with her. Or you can encourage her to come up to an eye-level platform on a cat tree for petting or treats.
  4. Reward her for good behavior; distract her from unwanted actions
    Cats don’t understand punishment. They see it as confusing, and maybe even a threat to their safety. Always give your cats a reward (treats, play, petting) when they are behaving the way you like. If they are doing something dangerous or acting out in a way you don’t want, get their attention on something else that’s away from the area where the behavior is happening. Sometimes, a loud NO is necessary to make a cat stop doing something… like the other day when I wanted to chew a fig leaf on a neighbor’s tree. (Fig leaves aren’t good for kitties.) But as soon as the behavior stops, distract the cat with something else and move on without any more drama.
  5. Expose her to new things, but indirectly
    When you have people over or bring home a new piece of furniture, don’t force your cat to interact with it. Give her the opportunity to discover and learn about it on her own. Anything unknown is a potential threat to a cat, so they need to examine and inspect it on their terms. Pro tip: Although I am naturally outgoing, doing things this way has enhanced that quality in me, and it can help a cat who mainly stays home to feel more secure.
  6. Find out how your cat likes to play and make a routine of it
    Nearly every cat, including many senior cats, is playful if you give her a chance. And every cat has her own way she enjoys playing, and a toy preference. Learn what those are for your cat, and set aside a time every day, or at least a few times a week, to commit to playtime. And even those times where she is playing on her own, learn what she is enjoying, and make sure she is well supplied. Boodie has a certain toy preference, and my human always makes sure she has a few of those types of toys available. Unfortunately, her favorite time to play with them (and loudly) is in the middle of the night, but that’s another story for another time.
  7. Leave the carrier out all the time
    Most cats are deathly afraid of the carrier, and my human knows so many people who have an awful time trying to get their cats to the vet because of it. Some become almost feral. While leaving out the carrier all the time may never make your cat love it, having it around will stop the terror of having it suddenly appear. Yes, your cat will know when it’s time for the vet regardless. (We can read your body language and smell your emotions, trust me.) But the less drama that surrounds the carrier, the more it will improve you and your cat’s relationship.
  8. Don’t humiliate your cat
    Ninety-nine percent of cats do not have a sense of humor about themselves. And even so, who wants to be around someone who makes fun of you, and laughs derisively at you? It doesn’t feel good to humans, and it feels even worse to a cat, who doesn’t have the reasoning ability to shrug it off and move on with their day. So don’t make fun of your cat in a way that humiliates them.
  9. Don’t scare your cat on purpose
    If you want to have a good relationship with your cat, then don’t scare her for your own twisted sense of fun. My human and I made a whole video about the cats and cucumbers meme, and why it’s bad. Startling or scaring your cat does the opposite of build trust; it makes your cat see you as unpredictable and unsafe. It’s really surprising how many people don’t think before they act when it comes to this.
  10. Be available for your cat
    One thing your cat needs that she probably doesn’t get enough of is your time. Many people tend to think of cats as low maintenance — you bring her home and she’s pretty much on her own. That’s not how to build a relationship with your cat. Your cat enjoys your company and wants to spend time with you. Let her be in on your activities, as long as they are safe for her. You may find out she is a really awesome companion.

I hope you got something out of these ten tips! Let me know in the comments which one really struck home for you.

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