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Cat Came Back to Family that was Kind to Her, and Brought Her Kittens Along

A cat came back to the family that was kind to her and brought her kittens along.

Alley Cat Rescue

A stray cat showed up in a neighborhood of Moreno Valley, California, scrounging for food. She wandered into a family's backyard where she was offered a nice meal to fill her belly.

The family continued to put food and water out to help the little stray. Later one evening, they saw the cat return and were surprised by what they discovered.

The sweet feline came back for another meal but this time, she was not alone. She brought along a few tinier guests to dine together. As it turned out, the friendly stray had several kittens to feed.

Alley Cat Rescue

She brought her babies to the kind people after they earned her trust.

The family knew they had to help and reached out to Alley Cat Rescue in Los Angeles, hoping to get them into a foster home, away from the elements of the outdoors.

"A few weeks ago, California was having a heat wave and the daily temperatures were over 100 degrees (Fahrenheit)," Alley Cat Rescue shared with Love Meow.

Alley Cat Rescue

With help from the family and volunteers, they were able to get the cat mom and two of her kittens to safety. The last kitten remained elusive for several days. They tried to use the mom to lure him out, but the little guy continued to outsmart them.

Rescuers were determined to find the remaining kitten. While they were actively looking for him, the momma cat, Rosie, and her two babies, Alio and Olio, had started to adjust to indoor life.

Alley Cat Rescue

The sweet feline family settled into their new abode and ate to their heart's content. The kittens explored every nook and cranny in their room while their mom contently snoozed away in her comfy new bed.

Alio and Olio quickly warmed up to their foster family. Mama Rosie had done a wonderful job taking care of her kittens. Now, she could finally relax and get some much-needed shut-eye.

Alley Cat Rescue

The neighbors eventually spotted the last kitten and left food, water, and humane traps in the area. "It was absolutely nail-biting to get the last baby safe. Last week, he was captured in the engine of a car," the rescue said. The little one was very scared and unsure but that was about to change.

Watch their rescue journey in this video:

Cat brings her kittens to family www.youtube.com

The last kitten, Harris, was very sassy and needed a lot of convincing. But with plenty of cuddle sessions and patience, he started to come around.

Harris grew to enjoy being petted and cuddled. That tough-boy exterior melted away, revealing the sweetest little love-bug.

Alley Cat Rescue

After just a few days, the kitten who wanted nothing to do with people, made a complete 180. A family fell head over heels for the little Siamese mix, and offered to foster-to-adopt him.

Alley Cat Rescue

Mama Rosie really blossomed being in a home environment. Knowing that her kittens were in good hands, she started to spend more time with her human friends. She retired from motherhood for good, and was ready to find a family where she could be the center of attention.

It didn't take long for her wish to come true. A few days ago, sweet Rosie went to her forever home where she would live her life as a spoiled indoor cat. "Her new family just loves her," the rescue added.

Alley Cat Rescue

Alio and Olio are thriving in foster care. They have grown by leaps and bounds and their personalities are shining through.

The two best friends can't wait to find a place of their very own.

Alley Cat Rescue

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Related story: Sweet Cat Found Help for Her Kittens After She Was Left Behind

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