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After Learning How to Ring a Bell, I Touch a Bunch of Random Stuff

After learning how to ring a bell, Summer's next step is to touch a bunch of random things on command.

As you all know, part of my repertoire of tricks involves ringing a bell.

somali cat ringing a bell

But ringing the bell is only the start. My human has transferred my touching the bell to touching other things. You saw that a while back when I was learning to play the piano. For today’s session, my human gathered a bunch of random things for me to touch when she asked me to.

somali cat measuring ceramic cat measuring cup

First she had me touch this ceramic cat measuring cup. (In case you are wondering where to get these you can find them here on Amazon.)

somali cat touching a pink, 7 lb. kettlebell

Then she had me touch her 7 lb. pink kettlebell. At least she didn’t expect me to pick it up!

somali cat touching luminara candle

Next, she had me touch this Luminara flameless candle. Don’t worry, that’s a fake flame. My human only has fake candles here.

somali cat touching Alice In Chains box set

Talk about random — she even pulled out this old Alice In Chains CD box set! I’m not even sure she has something to play it on.

somali cat touching an old athletic shoe

Finally, she had me touch this old athletic shoe of hers.

Okay, that was a weird blog post! If you can think of anything you’d like to see me touching, let me know in the comments.

Note: Links to Amazon are affiliate links, and if you click through and make a purchase, I will get a small commission.

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