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A Well-Behaved Shopper

Summer goes to the pet store and proves she is a well-behaved shopper.

My human didn’t really need to go to the pet store today. But the weather is going to be in the triple digits this weekend, which means I’ll be stuck inside the whole time. Plus she went shopping without me a few days ago (she was in a hurry), and she felt bad. So we went anyway, so I could have a fun time. And I did!

somali cat disappointed that shopper ignored her

It was a quiet afternoon, although a few people came in. One guy walked right by me like I wasn’t there! I meowed when he did that — it was obvious I did not like being ignored.

somali cat checking out the peacock feathers

I enjoyed checking out all the the toys and wandering around the store.

somali cat on cat litter shelf

While my human figured out if she could juggle a bag of litter, a bag of cat food, and me, I hung out on the shelf. She decided she could and we headed for the checkout counter.

somali cat on counter, annoyed at dog

We timed the end of our visit just right because just as we were checking out, someone came in with her dog. In the few minutes my human was paying for the food and litter, the dog owner came up and asked for a paper towel. I gather that her dog had an “accident.” I would never dream of doing something like that! Besides, I used the litter box before we left.

somali cat looks at shopping receipt

Because I was such a well-behaved shopper, the employee checking us out tried to give me the receipt. I assured her my human could handle it.

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