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Rescue Stories - Rose: Hit by a Car in VA, She's Now a Star at Tabby's Place!

Hello, and Happy Friday! I'm so excited! Can you guess why? Never mind, I'll just tell you. Today we have a very special rescue story for you. Our sponsor sister at Tabby's Place, Rose, is sharing her story with all of you.  Her dedicated correspondent, Ilene, helped her put it together and it's just fabulous! We just love Rose to pieces and bits and we're happy to share this very brave and strong-willed (and cute!) girl with you. Without further ado I present our beautiful Rosie! 


Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary

Hi y’all, my name is Rose, I am 7 years old and very pleased to meet you! Here is my cat tale:  

Once upon a time a pretty lil’ kitty (me) was born in VA. I was named Rose by my Grandma because she thought I was both beautiful and resilient. As a lil’ itty bitty kitty I enjoyed playing outside on the green grass. One day I darted into the road to get my blue crinkle ball, and out of nowhere a MONSTER (car) hit me. I was rushed to the emergency vet, and heard the vet say that I had spinal damage which would cause incontinence along with a broken leg, and a broken tail. He planned to euthanize me. Tears rolled down my furry black and white face. My Grandma taught me faith, and from the heavens appeared Mama Anna who was with a cat rescue. She saved me, and we headed for the journey of my life, to a wonderful no-kill cat sanctuary called “Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary.” It was a very long car ride from VA to NJ, but one that would change my life furever.

Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary

The staff greeted us when we arrived at Tabby’s Place. Anna kissed me goodbye, and I hoped that one day we would meet again. I looked around and saw that at Tabby’s Place resident cats were not kept in cages. They live together in suites, offices, the lobby, and the medical suite. Each suite has an outdoor enclosed solarium. As a kitty who is incontinent and needs her bladder expressed, I was welcomed into the “Special Needs Suite.” My 1st BFF was a gray cat named Boom. He and I are still pals close to 7 years later! Tabby’s Place has a sea of dedicated volunteers. I was paired up with volunteer Ilene, who became my special needs correspondent, and my close friend. Every month we write an update together about my adventures. The update is sent to my generous and loving special needs sponsors. 

Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary

As Tabby’s Place welcomed lots of special needs residents, Suite A became our new, larger home. Suite A had a solarium! My role was to welcome new cats and help the shy cats feel at home. Life was purrfect; friends and a solarium. The solarium was my favorite place in the world, and I would spend most days soaking in fresh air and sunshine. I was healthy and happy, despite an occasional UTI, which is very common for incontinent cats.

Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary

Fast forward to the summer of 2018. I woke up one day with an awful ear infection. I was not my sparkling self, and staff noticed immediately. Staff rushed me to the top vet specialists, no expense was spared for my care. We received a dreadful diagnosis, my ear infection went into my brain, and lesions were found on my spine. Surgeries were not an option. My prognosis was not good, and I gazed in Ilene’s face and saw her sobbing. I received every treatment and medicine known to catkind, but my health continued to decline. I stopped eating, was lethargic, and the life was draining from my tiny furry black and white body. Staff did not want to see me suffer, and the decision was made to let me go humanely. I later learned that Ilene received a call at home asking her to come say goodbye to me. She could barely make the drive to Tabby’s Place, and held my paw for comfort, and sobbed. I did not want to go; I had such a happy life and friends. Our vet staff asked for everyone to leave the room, they looked in my eyes and said that “this was not my time to go.” They put food in front of me and I ate, and ate, and ate. In my mind I could hear my Grandma saying, “Rose is resilient.” I guess I was more of a fighter than I ever realized. My new residence became the Tabby’s Place medical suite while I was recovering. Ilene held a daily “Rose Picnic.” She would spread out a big blanket and fill it with toys and lots of tasty treats and foods. Volunteers and staff would stop by to say hi. My favorite catnip toy is a banana, so I had lots of them to play with at the picnic. I am sure my Grandma is the cat angel watching over me. 

Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary

I do declare, I am tickled pink to share my story and love for Tabby’s Place with y’all. Fast forward to today. After I recovered, I became a lobby resident so staff and volunteers could keep an eye on me. The only visible neurological part of my illness was a slight head tilt, which everyone said was adorable, and eventually went away. The lobby is my paradise. I have lots of cat friends, chairs, sofa, cat beds, cat trees, toys, food, windows, and best of all I get to greet visitors and new volunteers. I have also become a “certified therapy cat,” and visit seniors in my stroller in the Tabby’s Place “Aged to Purrfection” program. Yes, I did see Mama Anna again, and Ilene sends her pictures of me on a regular basis. 

Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary

Due to pandemic, Tabby’s Place has remained closed to the public and volunteers. At night I dream of when the world turns right side up. I will be here waiting to meet you! 

Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary

If you want to learn more about Tabby’s Place (and hopefully visit) you can get more information on their website. Tabby’s Place cats are adoptable, and are also welcome to spend the rest of their lives with us if they need to. 

Tabby's Place a cage free cat sanctuary
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If you want to be my Sponsor, please visit this link. A girl can never have too many sponsors! 

Thank you for reading my story! I hope we can meet someday. 

Lexy is raising money for Tabby's Place by having a fundraiser for her Gotcha Day. Please visit this post and leave a comment. We're donating $1 for every comment!

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