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It's Lexy's 10th Gotcha Day! And We're Raising Money for Tabby's Place!

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in on a very special day. It's my 10th Gotcha Day! Well, my Gotcha Day is actually in  April, but with the COVID-19 Pandemic and New York being on "pause" we didn't' get to celebrate it publicly. Until now, that is! 

Tabby's Place

Sometimes it's hard to believe that Mother and I have been together for an entire decade. And sometimes it feels like we've been together forever. I was almost two years old when I came home, and now I'm a mature cat at 12. Where does the time go? 

Tabby's Place
I loved my new bed!

These have been the best 10 years of my life and I've written about them before. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but some of my posts have won awards from BlogPaws and the Cat Writers' Association (CWA.) I would say that makes me an accomplished kitty! But I can't leave Mother out. She won a Certificate of Excellence this year from CWA for her post about why my gotcha day is so special to her. While you're at it, you can read my adoption story in my own words here.

Tabby's Place
My first 15 minutes at home. I immediately fell in love with the view!

It's my tradition on my Gotcha Day to pay it forward by raising money for a shelter/rescue. This year I'm choosing Tabby's Place as my recipient. Lola, Mother, and I were supposed to be a part of a big fundraiser for Tabby's this summer, but it had to be canceled because of the current state of affairs in the world. So this is my way of lending a paw to their wonderful cause.

Tabby's Place
Our sponsor sister, Rose, at Tabby's Place with her nip nanner! 

For every comment on this blog post and on the post pinned to the top of our Facebook Page, we are donating $1 to Tabby's Place. 

For those of you who are not familiar with Tabby's, they are a cage-free sanctuary that rescues cats from hopeless situations. We've written about them many times and you can see all the posts here

Tabby's Place
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Thank you for joining me in celebrating this momentous day and for helping me raise money for one of our favorite rescues! My wish is for all cats to have forever homes like mine and to be able to celebrate an entire decade with their forever person. Mother is my favorite person in the entire world, and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Every day I am grateful for our serendipitous meeting in Petco when we captured each other's hearts. 


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