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An Unexpected Visitor

Summer is doing an outdoor photo session when she is interrupted by an unexpected visitor!

We were doing a video and photo session in front of the house early yesterday evening. I was having lots of fun, doing tricks and getting treats and such.

close up of somali cat

My human even worked in some glamor shots.

somali cat looking at unexpected visitor

But an unexpected visitor caught my human’s attention! Weirdly, she saw the visitor before I did, and had to point me in the right direction for me to see it.

long distance shot of bunny

Can you see it? My human was worried if she moved it would run away. She was even holding her breath. Finally, she carefully moved a little bit closer. Which meant I had to move closer too, since my leash was attached to her wrist.

closer shot of bunny

She got close enough to take a photo with the good camera that she was able to enlarge. The thing is, we never see rabbits in our yard! But apparently they do live around here. My human has lived in this house for almost 14 years, and in this neighborhood for 19, but she has only seen one once and it was at least half a mile from our house. She was amazed that this guy showed up in the middle of a photo session involving a human and a cat. Eventually he bounded off, his cottontail bouncing away.

somali cat put out by appearance of rabbit

Did I want to chase after it? Of course not! I was a little put out that it had interrupted my awesome photo session. I wanted to get back to work.

somali cat getting a treat

Plus treats. Duh.

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