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A Fake Candle Candlelight Vigil

Summer has a candlelight vigil with a fake candle

This was originally meant to be a serious post about sending out love and light in response to all the unrest and violence going on in the United States, and even around the world. Our neighborhood invited everyone to hold a candlelight vigil in their front yards. I think we were the only ones who participated on our block. But my human took some photos and video. Well, the video was serious for about 20 seconds before it became something totally different. See for yourself.

somali cat looking at fake candle

Before long, I started, um, messing with the fake candle.

somali cat playing with fake candle

I guess it is pretty obvious why my human does not own one real candle. Anyhow, stay safe, and don’t let hatred and negativity obscure an important message!

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