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A Cat named Zoey…with a Y

Hi everybuddy! I’m enjoying the early morning sun. Honestly, I might need a pair of sunglasses if it gets any brighter. *squinting eyes*

Zoey in the sun

About a week or so ago, our friend Cathy Keisha from Stunning Keisha posted about a new meme that was making its way around the internets. You answer a bunch of questions about yourself so others can get to know you better. I decided to give it a whirl. Here goes…

My name is:  Zoey. With a Y. I know some people spell it without the Y…but I definitely prefer the Y.
My age when adopted:  Well, first of all, I wasn’t exactly adopted. I was a stray cat hanging around the big guy’s business and after about 6 months fending for myself, I got caught and brought to the island to live. I was estimated to be around 9-10 months old at the time. Did you know that at first these humans didn’t think they were going to keep me? The lady with the yellow hair tried to find a rescue or foster to take me…but she had no luck…every place was full. So I got to stay.
My nicknames are:  Sweet Pea, Princess, Squeaker…or the one I’m called most often, Peanut.
My breed is:  I guess you would call me a Domestic Long Hair. Purrsonally, I prefer Domestic Long Hair Goddess.
My main color is:  Brown…but I’m a Torbie which means I’m like a tortoise shell cat with stripes.
My age is:  I’m just about 13 years old now.
My favorite human food is:  Y’know…I’m not a fan of human food. Oh, I wouldn’t pass up a piece of cooked chicken or turkey, but for the most part I like my regular food.
My biggest fear is:  Humans. Strange humans scare me!
My favorite thing(s) to do:  I like to sit in the window and be on neighborhood watch. You’d be amazed at the things you see…’specially around 4 in the morning.
Where do I sleep?  I sleep in a few different places…my hidey hole, my cube, and on the bed…sometimes under the covers.
Do I like car rides?  NO!
Do I purr?  When I was younger, I didn’t purr much. Now I purr a lot. But I have a very quiet purr.
Do I snore? No way! I don’t snore…and don’t let anyone tell you I do!

So…did you learn anything new about me? Why don’t you play along too so we can learn more about you!

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! https://ift.tt/3cuoFGg

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