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Working the Cat Show Like a Boss

somali cat working the cat show in a gingham dress

I really enjoyed the cat show in Glendale this weekend — I was really on my game, especially in the morning.

somali cat at cat show ringing a bell

I rang my bell and gave out lots of High Fives! Some people showed up who had never met me before, but who knew me from my Instagram account.

somali cat wearing her tiara

I learned a new trick — my human asked me to stay and put the tiara on my head. Then after a moment or two, she’d take it off and give me a treat! Before, wearing the tiara was sort of hit and miss. But once I knew what was expected of me (and I got rewarded!), I started doing it on request.

table at cat show with coloring books and crayons for kids

I have to show you this — the cat show organizers put together a table with cat coloring books and crayons for the young visitors! Isn’t that awesome? There were lots of kids there too.

somali cat in cherry dress at cat show

I didn’t get to wear everything I brought, but I made sure to wear my pretty summer cherry dress.

somali cat in pink heart sunglasses and knit scarf

I also paired my new knit scarf with my sunglasses.

somali cat very interested in vanilla cupcake

My breeder had the space next to us, and she brought lots of food! Including cupcakes. My human had one, but she didn’t share.

Cat show judge with somali kitten

My breeder was there because she was showing Immie, who you may remember from my last cat show. She is still getting used to shows, and this was only her second one. By the time I was her age (five months), I think I had already done three. The third one was when I went home with my human.

somali kitten being judged

She is a beautiful girl, and very mature physically for her age.

somali cat napping wearing bunny slippers

By the afternoon, I was pretty tired, so I napped for a while. My human never tries to push me at the shows, and if I want to rest she lets me. She thought she would be funny this time if she put my bunny slippers on my back feet.

Napping somali cat

Visitors were allowed to pet me and rub my tummy, which I love. And it’s a good thing I do, because honestly, how could anyone resist?

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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