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Caturday Photo Flubs

somali cat relaxing during a photo session

I did a few different photo sessions this week, and yes, some photo flubs resulted! Some pretty good ones too. A lot of times when my human is setting up my studio for a photo shoot, I will come in and just hang around while she is working. That is what I am doing above. That thing you see on the left? It is a grayscale card that belonged to my human’s father. She uses it to adjust the color temperature in her camera. If you don’t understand what that means, don’t worry — neither do I!

somali cat with human's hand in photo

Here’s a classic — a photo with my human’s hand in it. Of course it could be cropped or Photoshopped out easily… but she also captured me in an awkward pose.

somali cat in wedding dress, waiting for photo session to start.

Here’s another one of me from a different photo session, waiting for it to get underway. You can see that those annoying shoes are sitting right next to me.

somali cat in birthday hat with cat food cake

You didn’t see this photo session, because it wasn’t for the blog. It was for someone my human knows who had a birthday yesterday, and she wanted to do a special photo for him. That said, we did do a run through without the hat, and you will see those photos tomorrow.

somali cat jumping into box, from behind

And that’s the end of my photo flubs! I hope you enjoyed them!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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