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Here Comes the Bride

somali cat in wedding dress and veil

No, I’m not getting married. (In my world, cats don’t get married. We are too smart for that.) But I am modeling a wedding dress today. Mudpie’s awesome human found it at a store that we don’t have in our area, so she got it for me. The only thing is it didn’t have a veil. Instead of buying something generic on Amazon, my human shopped around at a couple of craft stores and sort of put together a couple of things she found at Michael’s.

somali cat in bridal dress and bride shoes, and not happy about it

She also found some shoes for me. (She only recently found out how important it is to have nice shoes to match the dress when she was helping a friend for her wedding.) The only problem was that I didn’t really like the shoes (as you can probably tell), and trying to wear them and the veil got too complicated.

somali cat wearing bridal veil, badly

The whole veil problem was complicated enough all on its own. It was actually two pieces: the veil itself and the little silver pearls and crystal decoration. They really aren’t meant to be worn together… unless you are a cat in a wedding dress. It took some effort to make them work together. Putting the veil over my ears was not a good look.

somali cat in wedding dress chewing on veil

Also I kept chewing on the veil.

somali cat with veil completely askew

It got to the point where both my human and I were wondering if it was ever going to look right. Then my human got the idea of fastening the combs on the pearl strand on the comb of the veil, so I had sort of a chin strap. And that is the look I wound up with.

here comes the bride - somali cat in wedding dress

Here is my dreamy bride look, like I am thinking of the groom or the future or something. Maybe my next modeling gig should be pet wedding dresses.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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