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Mealtime Conversations with Waffles and Katie

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, what're you eating?

KATIE:  None of your beeswax, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Beeswax? I have beeswax???

KATIE:  It's an expression, Waffles. Like none of your business.

WAFFLES:  You mean like a job? I could get a job! I'd make an awesome chicken rancher.

KATIE:  Something tells me you'd be eating your own profits, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Mmmmm....profits. That sounds good. Do they taste like chicken?

Mealtime Mania
Katie never misses a meal. And Waffles never misses one of Katie's meals either. As much as he loves his own food, he's FAR more interested in Katie's.

And lately, Katie is more interested in Waffles' dish.

Despite the fact that they eat exactly the same food, exactly the same amount, in dishes that look exactly alike, apparently the grass is greener in the other dish.

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