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The Interwebs are BACK!!!

WAFFLES:  Boss! Did you know that the Century Link guy has TREATS???!

KATIE:  Treats are great, Waffles. But the BIG question is, do we finally have internet? 

WAFFLES:  So, Mr. Internet guy? Do we–

ROB:  It's Rob, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  The internet is named Rob???

ROB:  If you want your internet to be named Rob, we'll name it Rob. 

We're BACK!!!
Our knight in a shining white truck came to the mountain house today and after a few minutes of magic, we HAVE INTERNET AGAIN!!!

Rob, the nicest Century Link tech EVER, arrived with a smile on his face and what turned out to be an immediate love for Waffles. You gotta love a Century Link Cat Guy!

It didn't take long for Facebook to start dinging alerts and more importantly, put Waffles back in touch with his girlfriends.

Rob hearts Waffles, and we heart Rob!

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