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Cats Who Wear Glasses

somali cat wearing cat glasses

My human picked up a new pair of cat glasses for me online. She figured these could be used for a Harry Potter themed photo shoot, or maybe to pose with some books. I’m not so sure about them.

stern somali cat trying to pose with glasses

First off, I can’t figure out how to pose with them on. It’s not like sunglasses, where you can’t see my eyes. I had to try a few different moods.

somali cat with cat glasses on

One of the hardest parts was dealing with the reflections, and getting to see my eyes. Especially hard was keeping out my human’s reflection! She had to work to stay out of my glasses.

somali cat wide-eyed behind cat glasses

Being an eyeglass model is way harder than I expected it to be.

somali cat taking off glasses

I think I need to take a break.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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