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Review: RompiCatz Cat Teaser Toys

With cats living indoors it’s critical that we provide enrichment and exercise for our cats. It’s good for both their physical and mental health.  Cats have a natural prey instinct that needs to be nurtured, particularly if they live indoors. Enter RompiCatz by the maker of NekoFlies Toys. These toys are designed for interactive play that feeds your cat’s need to hunt.  Use these toys to exercise and energize your cats. It’s a great way to increase the bond you have with your cats. 

We tried all of the new RompiCatz Teasers (three different kinds) including the following:

Plush Tip Teaser

This teaser is short and has a furry tip that is similar to a furry caterpillar. It’s fun to play with your cat when you hide the teaser under an object and let it “peek out.” Your cat will have fun pouncing on this new prey. They come in three bright colors – pink, blue and green. 

Feather Bell Wand

The feather bell wand mimics the movement birds. My cats enjoyed watching and then pouncing on it. The feather bell wand comes in two varieties – a bird and a fish. 

Feather/Fabric Teaser

My cats loved this toy the most because it’s long and fuzzy, and has a bell and feather on the tip. They loved chasing it around and leaping through the air. These teasers also come in three bright colors – pink, blue and green. 
The verdict? Our cats love them. They seemed to enjoy the feather/fabric teaser the most. We keep our Rompicatz toys in a basket next to our couch in our family room because our cats tend to gather there and want to play. It’s our own gentle reminder to pick up a toy and play with them (as if we need an excuse). It’s always a good idea to rotate the toys you use to play with your cats so they don’t get bored. Pick a wide variety of toys – both solo-play and interactive to keep your cat’s indoor life, vibrant. 

For more information about how to get your own RompiCatz toys and to purchase,  visit RompiCatz website. You can also find RompiCatz on Instagram and Facebook.

Disclosure: We received these toys free of charge and we were not paid for this review. As with all of our reviews, either paid or unpaid, we will always provide an accurate account of our experiences.

The post Review: RompiCatz Cat Teaser Toys appeared first on The Catnip Times.

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