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Photos Not Previously on the Blog

Summer shares some photos previously not seen on her blog, and tells the stories behind them.

I noticed that in the past few weeks, I have a few one-off photos that never wound up on the blog. And some of them have fun stories behind them, so I’m sharing them with you now. Like the photo above. My human got something recently from Wayfair, and it came in this cool box. She left it on the dining table for a couple of days, figuring she would use it for a photo shoot with me at some point. Then, one evening when she was heading for my photo studio, camera in hand, there I was, just sitting in the box! So she took a photo. It came out really dark. She had to work quite a bit of Photoshop magic to make it look as good as it does.

Somali cat with damaged Dazzle package

When my 202-um-1 calendar arrived here, the package was totally bunged up on one end! But the Zazzle shipping department packed it so well that it wasn’t damaged at all. My human was going to use this photo in my blog post, but never did. If you want to buy my new calendar, you can go here.

somali cat looking through her wardrobe closet

When I said that my human saw me looking longingly through my wardrobe in this blog post, I meant it literally, and here is proof!

somali cat snuggled in bed comforter

Sometimes I sleep next to my human at night, and one morning when she got up, she threw the comforter and sheets over me! When she finished her weigh-in and getting her workout clothes together, she saw I was still there, under the covers. So she took a photo with her phone. This one is actually a little bit of a cheat, because if you follow me on Instagram, you’ve already seen it.

Somali cat in lobster costume in pirate ship scratcher

My human didn’t even realize this was on her phone. It must’ve been during a test run of me wearing the lobster outfit you guys voted for. In fact, she took three photos! This one was the best because it didn’t cut off my antennae.

somali cat in turret with lots of shadow and light

The turret sometimes has some pretty dramatic lighting! And my human was trying to take advantage of that with this photo session. And then never used the photos, most of which were just a touch out of focus. But this one’s still pretty nice.

Do you have a favorite photo or story? Let me know in the comments!

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