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I Voted! Well, My Human Voted and I Helped

Don't worry, when Summer says I voted, it means she helped her human vote.

I had a special day! My human voted and I got to go along! She could have mailed in her ballot, but she wanted me to have an adventure so she dropped it off in person.

Somali cat on leash in front of electioneering sign at Voting Center

There were a bunch of places to choose from, but my human picked our local college campus. I’ve actually been there before when friends visited from out of town. It’s actually a famous college because a president went here for a couple of years.

I just want to say, I was the hit of the voting center. People were so excited to see me there! They loved seeing me and chatted lots with my human. Normally she would have been in and out, dropping off her ballot, but she got to be social, which she really appreciated.

somali cat on college campus walkway

I was in my sling while we were in the voting center. But when she finished dropping off the ballot, my human let me walk on my leash most of the way to the parking lot. It was awesome, getting some time out and about.

Somali cat fascinated by ice cream treat

Best of all, there was an ice cream truck handing out free treats to the voters! My human offered me a bit of whipped cream but it tasted funny. (Apparently the whipped cream I’ve gotten at home is unsweetened, and in my opinion, much better.) Oh, I was a hit with the ice cream truck people too!

I really like this voting thing. I wish I could do it every week!

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