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Introducing “Voices of the Leader Dog Community”


Blue background with text on top in light green reading Voices of the Leader Dog Community.

In recent months, individuals and organizations have been challenged to take a critical look at ourselves. Here at Leader Dogs for the Blind, we are no exception. What can we do to be a force for positive change in society? How can we be more proactive than simply voicing our support for social issues?

As part of a multi-pronged plan to be an active force for change that spans all aspects of our Leader Dog community, we are giving members of our community a platform on which to be heard. The people who make up Leader Dog’s diverse community represent individuals from many walks of life who have a vast array of stories and experiences, many of which have never been shared on a large scale.

We have decided that our social media platforms can be more than just a way to tell the Leader Dog story. These platforms can be used to amplify the many unique and diverse voices that make up the Leader Dog community. Moving forward, we will be sharing stories and personal journeys that go beyond being a guide dog user, a volunteer, a Lion or a donor.

In the coming months, members of the Leader Dog community will share the stories they think we all need to hear in their own words. Our first community voice will be LDB client Leatrice Fullerton, who will share her experiences on October 8 across all our social media channels. Join us to hear her story and many others so that together we can listen to the voices of people in our community and challenge our ideas and perspectives.

The post Introducing “Voices of the Leader Dog Community” appeared first on Leader Dogs for the Blind.

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