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Sunday Quotes: Recharge


I couldn’t find any attribution for the above quote, but it hit a nerve. I for one spend far too much time on my phone, and not enough time recharging!

I’ll be recharging big time this weekend: I’m going on a little getaway to my friends’ beautiful weekend house near the river. We’re planning on relaxing on their screened in porch, taking boat rides on the river, and eating my friend’s amazing cooking.

Of course, this visit will be a little different from previous trips to my “happy place.” Normally, we make the two hour drive in one car, but with COVID, that just didn’t feel safe enough to us, so I’ll be driving by myself. I’ll have my own bedroom and bathroom at the house, and we’ll spend most of our time outside. We’ll take reasonable precautions when we’re inside.

Like everything else these days, the decision to go on this getaway required weighing risk vs. benefit, and in this case, the relatively small risk far outweighs the benefits to my mental health.

While I’m away, Allegra will be taken care of by my friend and wonderful cat sitter. This is a big change for her – after all, I haven’t been away for more than a couple of hours since the end of January, which is most definitely not normal for me. But I know she’ll be so happy to see my friend. Allegra loves visitors, and it has been hard to explain to her why we haven’t had anyone in our house for the last six months!

There is cell phone reception, but no Wifi at my friends’ house, so other than checking for updates from my cat sitter, I plan to not even look at my phone. No email, no news, no social media. It will be a true getaway in every sense of the word. But even if you can’t get away, I encourage you to recharge by taking a break from your devices today!

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