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Help Others #SeeTheLight for Rescues on Remember Me Thursday (9/24/2020)

Happy Thursday Purrsday! Lexy and I are purring today because we are excited to be partnering again this year with Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) to host our annual Blog Hop for Remember Me Thursday. 

As former shelter cats who were once forgotten, the Remember Me Thursday movement is very important to us, and we are always proud to shine the light on shelter pets who are waiting for their forever homes. 

Get Your Content Ready! 

Every year HWAC sends out a very cool kit to bloggers with swag that can be used in their posts. 

Remember Me Thursday

Lexy gives their catnip pillows two paws up! 

Remember Me Thursday

Our mom had a Zoom meeting with Miss Christina and Miss Jackie of HWAC and as of September 3rd, 23 bloggers were confirmed to participate. (And more bloggers have been reaching out to them for kits. That's just pawtastic!) This year HWAC also reached out to other social media influencers and 19 confirmed their participation. 

Remember Me Thursday

Let's meow about content. We all know many rescued pets have a sad story. I mean, just look at mine! But this year let's all put a different spin on it so people can really #SeeTheLight about shelter pets. Here are a few ideas to write about: 

  • The joy your adopted pet brings you. 
  • The gratitude an adopted pet shows for being saved.
  • How your adopted pet shows you love every day. 
  • Why adopting a pet is good for you! (That's a great blog post topic!) 

Remember Me Thursday

Let's all inspire others to run out to their local shelter and find the new love of their life. This is such a great way to create to save lives! 

Remember Me Thursday

Social Media Resources

The folks at HWAC have put together some fab resources we can all use on social media. There are twitter graphics, printable signs, and some cute photo frames.

Remember Me Thursday

There is also something new this year. Blogger Badges! 

Remember Me Thursday

We are proudly displaying that this is our fifth year participating! Shining a light on pet adoption is something that is very important to all of us here at Lola The Rescued Cat. 

Remember Me Thursday

Join the Movement! 

You don't have to be a blogger or a social media influencer to participate in Remember Me Thursday - anyone can join the movement! Here's how: 

  • On 9/24/2020 share your rescued pet all over social media with the hashtags #RememberMeThursday and #SeeTheLight. (You can even start now!) 
  • Enter the Remember Me Thursday contest. (Check back next Thursday when we tell you more details about that.) 
  • Light your candle. Upload a photo of the pet you are lighting a candle for. (Take a look at the candle gallery.) While you're there, sign up for the Remember Me Thursday newsletter to keep up to date on everything. 

Remember Me Thursday

Join Our Blog Hop! 

We're proud to be hosting our third annual Remember Me Thursday Blog Hop. We're so happy so many people participated last year to support shelter pets, and we're looking forward to even more this year. The blog hop will open up on Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 12:01 am Eastern Time and will remain open for two weeks. 

It's easy to join! All you have to do is: 

  • Grab the badge below and insert it into your post. 
  • Publish your post on or before Thursday, September 26, 2019.
  • Visit our blog and submit your post link to the blog hop list. 

Then start hopping! Be sure to visit the other blogs participating in the hop to read about how others are shining a light on orphan pets!

A Few Facts

We have a few interesting facts we'd like to share with you: 

  •  In 2017 the hashtag #RememberMeThursday reached nearly 330 million people on social media! Imagine how many can be reached this year. 
  • The folks at Helen Woodward Animal Center have been working very hard during the pandemic so people can still see the light about shelter pets. They have had applications from 1,000's of people wanting to foster pets. 
  • From 3/19/20 through 9/1/20 they helped 680 cats and 1,111 dogs find their forever homes. That's a total of 1,791 adoptions! That's 1,791 former shelter pets lighting up the lives of their new families. 
Helen Woodward Animal Center believes that "changing just one mind can save a life", and we couldn't agree more. When we wrote our book we said if we could encourage just one person to adopt a cat from a shelter our mission would be accomplished. Well, you can imagine how over the moon happy we were when someone told us they did just that - and they named their new cat Lola. 

We can't wait to see what you create to help others #SeeTheLight for shelter pets waiting for their forever homes. And we hope you'll be hopping with us on September 24th! 


Lola The Rescued Cat is a member of the Amazon Affiliates Program. This post contains an affiliate link. If you make a purchase using the link we earn a small commission. This doesn't affect your purchase price in any way. 

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