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Scarf Model

Summer plays scarf model in this photo session.

Last year, when my human’s ex-boyfriend moved to Nashville, he left behind a few unwanted things. That included a pile of scarves. He took the good ones, of course. The ones he left didn’t really work for him or were completely worn out. My human tossed out the worn out ones, and the rest were sitting in the closet of my photo studio for months. Finally she brought them out for me to model. So let’s check them out.

somali cat wearing gauzy purple scarf

I can see why he left this one behind — it’s not really his style. I think it’s kind of fun wearing it around my head, though! And it doesn’t hamper my hearing, so it totally works for me. (Other than being a bit too long!)

Somali cat wearing flowery scarf on head

I’m not even sure why he had this one — it wasn’t his style either. In fact, I don’t think it’s anyone’s style. And the ear coverage is definitely a little much.

somali cat wearing blue flower scarf

This one suits me a little better, even if it didn’t work for him.

somali cat unhappy with electric blue-purple scarf

I hated this one. I felt like I was wearing a skimpy mummy outfit. And you can’t tell, but in person, it’s more purple than blue.

somali cat wearing a scarf that's too big for her

This one was an awkward size, if you are a human. If you are a kitty, it’s just plain awkward. Maybe my human can make something out of it for me. Oh, who am I kidding? She can’t sew to save her life!

Somali cat wearing all the scarves at once

And for my grand finale, I’m wearing all the scarves at once! Admittedly, it’s not my best look. But I’ll try just about anything!

So what do you think? Are they all stupid, or should I hang onto any of them?

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