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Paused in New York

As the world is experiencing turbulent times, I find myself living in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic – New York City. Super Storm Sandy and 9/11 couldn’t bring us to our knees, but the Coronavirus did. We’re practically shut down, and the streets are eerily desolate in a city where hustle and bustle, crowed streets, and bumper to bumper traffic are a daily way of life. Although those things can be frustrating and intolerable at times, right now it would all be a welcome comfort. Yesterday I went for a walk in the afternoon and I was actually afraid. 

I didn't take this photo. I will look for the source and credit. 

As I write this there are a little over 20,000 confirmed cases here in the city, and it is estimated that 80% of us will contract the virus. Overnight there were 100 deaths. I’m lucky to be well, and I’m extremely lucky to be able to work both of my jobs from home – for now. My anxiety is running high and is increasing every day. I worry about my family, some who have pre-existing conditions, and I worry about friends who are essential workers who are out there every day. I hate to leave my house (which I rarely do), and it’s almost getting to the point where I’m scared to do so. My full time job is in congregate care and every day I live in fear that I’m going to be told I have to return to work to take care of the clients (several who have tested positive for COVID-19.) 

I'm sure my blog will sorely suffer during this period. Between being busy working from home all day, teaching distance learning a few nights a week (both of which I’m grateful for) and living in a constant state of anxiety, I’m exhausted. Not to mention my concentration is shot.

Luckily, Lola and Lexy are a source of comfort for me. They are their usual calm and happy selves, enjoying birdwatching, sun baths, and naps and I'm happy to have their company while we're "paused." One of them makes an appearance during my daily virtual staff meetings or my webex classes, and today Lexy entertained my staff with high fives. I'm sure I'm now the official crazy cat lady, but I don't care. I hope she brought a smile to a few faces. 

One of the many hats I wear is that of a Licensed Massage Therapist, and self-care is a big part of this profession. I put together a list of self-care activities for my students, and I wanted to share it with my readers. Taking care of our mind, body and soul is so important during this crisis. So this post isn't extremely long, I won't go into detail about each exercise. If you do a google search you'll find some great details. I hope you find some of these helpful. Please share what you’re doing to take care of yourself in the comments.

I’m sending light and love to all of you. Please be well.


Self-Care Techniques for Getting Through a Difficult Time

As the world is going through a very difficult time, one of the most important things to remember self-care. Better self-care helps our mind, body, and spirit handle stress in a healthier manner. Below are some suggestions to help bring some calmness and peace of mind to your day as anxiety runs high and many are on an emotional roller coaster.

Breathing Techniques

Although it may feel unnatural to breathe deeply, the practice comes with various benefits. Deep breaths are more efficient: they allow your body to fully exchange incoming oxygen with outgoing carbon dioxide. They have also been shown to slow the heartbeat, lower or stabilize blood pressure and lower stress. Paying attention to how we breathe can often be overlooked because it’s completely automatic. However, becoming aware of and incorporating breathing exercises into our daily routine has many benefits, including promoting calmness, increasing focus, and performing your best.

Diaphragmatic Breathing
Rib Stretch Breathing
Breath Focus
Numbered Breathing

Relaxation Techniques

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Body Scan Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation

Photo by Modkat

Self Massage

A combination of strokes works well to relieve muscle tension. Try gentle chops with the edge of your hands or tapping with fingers or cupped palms. Put fingertip pressure on muscle knots. Knead across muscles, and try long, light, gliding strokes. You can apply these strokes to any part of the body that falls easily within your reach. For a short session like this, try focusing on your neck and head:

  1. Start by kneading the muscles at the back of your neck and shoulders. Make a loose fist and drum swiftly up and down the sides and back of your neck. Next, use your thumbs to work tiny circles around the base of your skull. Slowly massage the rest of your scalp with your fingertips. Then tap your fingers against your scalp, moving from the front to the back and then over the sides.
  2. Now massage your face. Make a series of tiny circles with your thumbs or fingertips. Pay particular attention to your temples, forehead, and jaw muscles. Use your middle fingers to massage the bridge of your nose and work outward over your eyebrows to your temples.
  3. Finally, close your eyes. Cup your hands loosely over your face and inhale and exhale easily for a short while.
Additional Things to Help With Stress at This Time

Maintain a Routine
According to Dr. Russell G. Buhr, a pulmonologist at U.C.L.A. Health. maintaining a routine, like can positively affect mental health. Continue getting up at your usual time. We may have the urge to sleep in every day but set your alarm for your usual time. Shower and get dressed -don’t stay in your pajamas all day – and eat a nourishing breakfast. Make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep.

Take a Break From the News
The statistics we hear on a daily basis can be very intimidating and seem like they’re predicting gloom and doom. Take a break from the news from time to time – try to watch only the morning and/or evening news. 

Photo by Helping Paws Animal Shelter

It’s important to keep your body moving. You can go out and walk or run, but if you’re uncomfortable doing that exercise indoors. Create your own routine or go on Youtube and find an exercise or yoga video. 

It’s Okay to Laugh!
During a serious, stressful time laughter can be the best medicine. Put on a comedy, tell jokes with a friend, or reminisce with friends and family about happy memories. 

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