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Binge Watching Bird TV

Hi guys. I know humans like to binge watch TV…especially now since most of them are cooped up inside. But us cats should be able to binge watch TV too…don’tcha think? Thanks to one of the mom’s Facebook friends, she learned that Amazon Prime TV offers videos just for cats. The videos are mostly of birds or squirrels or other animals outside in their natural habitats.

Ernie watching TV

The mom searched and found this one of birds out in the woods. She put it on the big screen and turned up the volume. Look at that birdie! And it was chirping and eating…it really got my attention!

Ernie watching TV

So much so, I tried to get up close and purrsonal. Whoa! That bird is bigger than me!

Unfortunately, the mom wouldn’t let me get too close…something about not damaging the TV. She’s such a party-pooper.

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! https://ift.tt/2JronDO

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