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Cats Do the Darndest Things

Kids may SAY the darndest things…but I think cats DO the darndest things. Am I right?

Take Ernie for example. He’s always had an affinity for feet and shoes. He likes to sniff them. Strange, I know. But other day he took his fetish to a new level.

Ernie lying by the fire

I was standing there, watching him lie by the fireplace…enjoying the warmth of the fire. I managed to snap a few pics.

Ernie lying on my feet

But then he got up…walked over to me and laid down on my feet. Yes, those are my animal print slippers. I don’t know why he did this…he just has a thing for feet. It couldn’t have been that comfortable.

I stood there for about 5 minutes…he continued to lie there…never moved. And while I found it to be endearing, I had a feeling this could have gone on indefinitely. Finally, I bent over, gave him a belly rub and moved…much to his dismay.

What’s the darndest thing your cat does?

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! https://ift.tt/33EL94n

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