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Custom Pet Portraits by Lili Di Prima


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After Ruby passed away, my dear friend Robin Olson, the author of Covered in Cat Hair and president of Kitten Associates, gave me a gift certificate for a custom portrait by Lili Di Prima, an artist based in Sardinia, Italy, to use toward a portrait of Ruby. The portrait brought joy and comfort during a difficult time, and I want to share this artist’s work with you.

Lili started out as a graphic designer. “Over time I became more and more convinced by the idea that I could work on my own projects and still make a living from home or from any place I could find myself, like a real digital nomad,” she writes on her website. She left her full-time job and immersed herself in doing what she loves.

She launched her Etsy shop in 2013 and has created more than 5000 custom portraits since then.


The process to get a custom portrait was emotionally charged for me because, well, it was a portrait of Ruby. I sent Lili a photo of Ruby, and a few weeks later I received a draft of the portrait, with a request to let Lili know if anything needed to be changed. She also offered me a selection of background colors.

She nailed the expression on Ruby’s face with the first draft, but we went back and forth a few times to get her tortie markings just right. Lili was extremely patient with several change requests from me.


The finished portrait purrfectly captures Ruby’s mischievous side and her bright and joyful energy. I got a beautiful frame for it and hung it above the Vesper cat tree that she used to love to nap on.


For more information about Lili’s work and to order one of her portraits, please visit her Etsy Shop.

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The post Custom Pet Portraits by Lili Di Prima appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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