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I’ve Got the Stay at Home Blues

Summer is getting tired of staying at home, and it is starting to get to her.

Yes, I’m staying home, but it’s starting to get to me. It’s like I’ve stopped trying anymore. My human is used to working at home, so she showers, gets dressed, and puts on make up every day. But I’m used to being a public kitty and I’m sad I don’t get to meet new people and see friends right now.

somali cat with doctor skeleton

I imagine the whole Covid-19 thing is even worse for my hospital worker pals, though! I’m sure they are overworked and scared right now. I think of them often. You remember Dr. Bones, right? Look at him — he’s a shadow of his former self.

somali cat in robe and curlers with Dr. Bones

Like many of the hospital staff I know from my therapy cat visits, Dr. Bones barely has the time or energy to take care of himself. And he will be working hard throughout this whole virus pandemic.

somali cat with collapsed Dr. Bones

Oh no! Dr. Bones has collapsed from overwork! I knew he needed a day off.

somali cat with doctor skeleton wearing bunny slippers

Maybe he should borrow my bunny slippers and take a nap for a little while.

Seriously, do keep our healthcare workers in your thoughts. They are on the frontline of this battle, and the ones who will be helping us if we or a loved one gets sick.

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