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Keeping My Human Occupied

Summer is having a hard time keeping her human occupied during the Covid-19 shelter in place order.

How is everyone doing with their humans at home all the time? Since mine already works at home, you’d think things would be pretty normal here. But since she can’t really go anywhere and has cut way down on her shopping trips, she is kind of bored! And you know who has to keep her entertained around here, and no, it is not Boodie!

somali cat staring at cat toy

The photo sessions, I don’t mind. In fact, I enjoy those. And I love the training sessions. But then she wants me to play, but she keeps picking out the wrong times. It’s not like I don’t want to play, but not right after a nap, or when I’m waiting for dinner.

shadowy shot of somali cat

I think she spends half her time wandering around the house looking for “good natural light opportunities.” Like when the sun came in the turret windows, casting these dramatic shadows. It didn’t matter what I was doing, I had to pose right then and there.

shadowy somali cat playing with toy

And then she brought out the toy again. I decided to humor her by showing interest in it for a couple of minutes. Did I mention dinner was late because of this photo shoot?

somali cat in turret

I’d rather be out and about, too, and not stuck at home! But for now, here we are.

What are you doing to keep your human occupied? Are they starting to get on your nerves?

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