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End of Month Outtakes and Extras

somali cat judging mess of empty planting pots

It’s the end of the month, and I thought I’d share some outtakes and extra photos from my most recent shoots. Not all of them are bad (although several are doozies). The above photo, for example, just didn’t have a place in my back garden blog post. So it never got used.

awkward outtakes and extras of somali cat

On the other hand (paw?), this is definitely an outtake, and one of many times my human has tried — and failed — to get a decent photo of me sitting up.

somali cat with head tilt and hand in photo

Although this head tilt photo is just a hair out of focus, it’s still nice. It’s just that my human already had other good photos. But I wanted to show it to you pre-crop because you can see her hand in the picture!

somali cat with medical catnip in backpack

Here’s a photo of me with some medicinal catnip backed into my new backpack! This one didn’t make it into the blog post because I just wanted to use a couple of photos of each gift for this post.

somali cat posing awkwardly in mardi gras finery

When we are starting a photo shoot, my human usually snaps a few quick photos at the beginning. It’s almost like warming up before a run. This was the very first photo from my Mardi Gras photo session. And it’s totally awkward. It was also overexposed, but fixable in Photoshop. First photos almost never wind up in blog posts.

somali cat licking nose in front yard

Here I am in the front yard, showing off the fact that cats can touch their noses with their tongues, and humans can’t.

somali cat jumping out of Valentine's Day bag

And… it’s goodbye to February and hello to my birthday month, March! I hope you enjoyed these outtakes and extras!

* * *

Check out my Valentine’s Day Collection on Zazzle!

Valentine's Day for Cat Lovers

See all of Summer’s merch at her her Zazzle Designercat Shop

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