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Why Does My Dog Bark at the Mail Carrier?

Help! My dog has a personal vendetta against our mailman.
dog stares angrily at postal truck

Dear Bark: My dog Kiwi has a personal vendetta against our mail carrier, which has spread to include all mail carriers. She barks and charges every time she sees one, even if he’s not in his truck. In a crowded room, she’ll spot a mail carrier, try to head his way and bark like a lunatic. She does not have issue with any other men, people in uniforms or hats! She reacts to the truck, too, but not to the FedEx or UPS truck. What’s her problem, and how do we stop the madness?

— Deb & Kiwi

If it’s any consolation, your dog is in good company with this reaction. It’s so common that the image of a dog barking and charging a mail carrier (who’s very worried about protecting the seat of his pants) is a comic trope. But there’s nothing funny about it if it’s your dog—or if you’re the mail carrier!


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