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Fall Fail

somali cat with light-up faux fall leaves

Now that autumn is here, my human wanted to set up a festive photo shoot with me. She was sure she had some decor for the set lying around… but it turned out all she had was this strand of faux fall leaves. So it kind of turned into a fall fail.

somali cat with a pile of faux fall leaves

She tried piling them in front of me, but it was sort of a small pile. I don’t even think you’d need a rake if this is all you had in your yard.

somali cat wrapped in faux fall leaves

Then she tried wrapping me in the leaves. You can tell she’s getting desperate when she does that.

somali cat tangled up in faux fall leaves

And as usual, it didn’t work out very well.

end of fall fail photo shoot

Maybe my human will have better luck next fall!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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