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Caturday Flashback With Binga on a Leash

Somali cat and tortoiseshell cat on leashes

I thought I’d focus this week’s Caturday Flashback on January 2016, when Binga first learned how to walk on a leash. At the time she was 15 years old. I don’t know if the saying about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks is true. But it certainly doesn’t work for cats — Binga was a natural from the start. Of course she learned by watching an expert (me) do it first.

somali cat annoyed with tortoiseshell cat outside

Not that she appreciated it. I think she believed it was all her own idea.

somali cat keeping eye on tortoiseshell cat on a leash

This first time we were out together was also one of the few times that happened. My human couldn’t handle us both at the same time, and her then-boyfriend was rarely around for these outings.

tortoiseshell cat giving somali cat the stink eye

I tried keeping an eye on her, but I don’t think she felt she needed my help. And actually, she didn’t. She didn’t think she needed my human’s help either… or the leash… or anybody.

tortoiseshell cat on leash out in backyard

This photo is from about a year later. As you can see, she pretty much owned being on a leash.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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