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Window Watchers

KATIE:  Do you see what I see, Waffles?

WAFFLES:  You mean do I see you on the kitchen counter, Boss?

KATIE:  Seriously? We've got chipmunks & squirrels and hummingbirds & bees and you're more interested in me on the kitchen counter???

WAFFLES:  Well you're always meowing at ME to get off the counter.

KATIE:  Well look who's meowing now!

WAFFLES:  I'm not meowing. You're meowing

KATIE:  Do I look like I'm meowing?


KATIE:  And you tell me that I need to switch to decaf. 

About Today's Photos
The afternoon sun has been POURING in the kitchen windows making for great Chipmunk and Squirrel TV viewing. We've had so much squirrel and bird activity that even Katie has discovered the joys of our premium channel. 

Meanwhile, Glogirly is losing the battle on the whole "no cats on the kitchen counter" rule. 

WAFFLES:  Kitchen counter? What kitchen counter.

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